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The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships- An Evening with don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Nov 14, 2020, 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Attend this life-changing event based on relationships, and learn how to ignite your heart’s lantern. Whether you are working on moving beyond past hurts, celebrating or struggling with a life change, or simply expressing your respect and love…this event will bring awareness on how to bring greater intimacy and joy into your relationships.

This special conversation has never been more important than it is now, this class is designed for you if…

1) You are in a relationship and want to improve or supercharge it.

2) You continue to repeat the same types of relationships and want to change the pattern.

3) You aren’t in a relationship but are ready for one.

Intimate relationships are often the most challenging connections in life. They are laden with promise for safety, pleasure, and fulfillment, but frequently become battlegrounds where insecurities and personal demons come out to play—robbing the joy from what you hoped would be paradise.

It doesn’t have to be this way! 

don Miguel Ruiz Jr. has spent decades learning how to heal the wounds that conditional love left in his life, which left him free to love unconditionally. This means greater liberation, deeper intimacy, and tremendous honesty—the ingredients for real happiness in loving partnerships.

Spend the evening learning … 

  • How to speak your truth in love

  • How to know what you want (and ask for it!)

  • How to spot and deconstruct the biggest myths that destroy real intimacy

  • Make new Agreements that are more in line with your true Authentic Self.

  • Use your awareness to heal the wounds that have impacted your relationships

  • To bring harmony into your life as a Master of Self.

  • And much more!

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. will share lessons, based on the Toltec Tradition, that are designed to help you enter a new space in your own being—one that allows you to love without fear.

The way you see yourself and your beloved will never be the same!